Septic System Selection and Design Services

Our staff includes Qualified Persons and Professional Engineers trained in septic system selection and design. We offer consultations for residential and commercial properties, as well as advanced treatment units. Call us today to discuss your project.

Septic Design -Starting at $1850+hst

Residential Septic System Investigation

Our well- trained staff will perform a comprehensive inspection of a property’s septic systems and related components. A report including pictures and video of pertinent findings will be provided. This investigation includes the components listed below:

  • Review of site survey and installation records

  • Visual Site Inspections

    • We will identify setback distances to wells, structures, surface water and property lines and calculate the daily design flow of the building and compare it to the capacity of the existing system’s components. For example, is the tank right beside the well? Is the septic on your property or the neighbours?

  • Locate and access the system components (Septic tank and field). Exposing and uncovering tanks without risers is not included and is an additional charge. We will verify the system components are the right size for your family and not just a buried oil drum.

  • Tank inspection to assess type, size and condition of the tank to verify . We want to make sure you have the appropriate tank size for your home and needs.

  • Video inspection of all accessible components of the system (house to tank, tank to field, and the drainage pipes in the field itself.

    • We can determine if the lines have sags, and if yes, will they pose a problem? Are there any blockages? Is everything draining properly? How quickly is it draining?

  • Dye / Hydraulic load testing is completed to assess the system’s performance.

  • Follow- up site visits to evaluate for Dye leakage from the field will be an additional charge.

COST $425.00 + HST inside HRM.

Travel time for locations outside HRM will be billed in addition at $80/hr plus HST.

Additional follow up site visits (if required) $80/hr plus HST.

We will coordinate installation of new or replacement septic systems using our trusted licensed installation partners. Please contact us to discuss.

Septic Tank and Components Location

For a variety of reasons you may have needs to locate and expose your septic tank or components of your system. Our cameras and related tools allow us to find the location of the various components of your septic system. We will then also expose these components as per the customer’s request and/or needs. This will on occasion require the use of a subcompact backhoe.

Inside HRM -$300 plus HST
Outside HRM - travel time will be billed at $80/hr plus HST

Subcompact Tractor with Backhoe $60/hr plus HST additional charge if required.

Key Documents Search

If you do not have records of your lot survey and septic system installation, our staff will attempt to obtain these documents from Property Online and the NS Dept. Of Environment on your behalf.

Cost $50 plus HST

Drain/Sewer Pipe Video Inspection

We can use our video inspection equipment to investigate a variety of pipes and plumbing including septic lines, municipal sewer lines, residential plumbing, and drain tile. Please contact us to discuss your challenge.

Maintenance Services

  • Riser Installation

    • Risers can bring your tank access to ground surface for easier maintenance and monitoring. They are now standard and code for all new systems. We can supply and install.

  • Effluent Filter Cleaning/Replacement/Installation

    • Septic tanks installed in Nova Scotia after 2013 are made with effluent filters should be cleaned TWICE a year to ensure the health of your system. These filters keep solid waste out of the field and prolong your fields life. We can clean, supply and replace/install.

Prices determined on location, level of effort, and materials required.

Dye Testing

A fluorescein dye test and partial hydraulic load test of the septic system is conducted for monitoring purposes to see if effluent may discharge to the surface within the vicinity of the septic tank, suspected location of the septic disposal field or somewhere within the vicinity of the septic disposal system.

Our liquid dye tracers are biodegradable and nontoxic.  Our dyes diffuse rapidly in water, producing a vivid, easy-to-see color. Excellent for identifying diffusion and dispersion patterns, rates of flow, discharge locations, seepage areas, sea marking, and more.

Inside HRM -$250 plus HST
Outside HRM - travel time will be billed at $80/hr plus HST