Modern approaches to effluent treatment for residential and commercial applications. These systems maximize efficiency, minimize size and impact to site. They often are excellent options for challenging locations with water course and lot size restrictions. SHOREWATER specializes in custom designs using ATU’s to create solutions to your unique challenges!

Waterloo Biofilter

  • Advanced Treatment Unit utilizing a biofilter process.

  • Biological treatment of wastewater through aerobic digestion.

  • Filtration Media: Textile filter media for fine particle removal.

  • Compact design suitable for various site conditions.

  • Effective in reducing pollutants and pathogens in wastewater.

Norweco Singulair Green

  • Aeration-based treatment system for on-site sewage disposal.

  • Utilizes aerobic digestion to break down organic matter.

  • Filtration Media: Multi-step treatment process with media for biological and physical filtration.

  • Efficient nutrient removal and disinfection of wastewater.

  • Modular design for flexibility in installation and maintenance.


•Advanced Treatment Unit with a focus on energy efficiency.

•Utilizes aerobic treatment for effective wastewater treatment.

•Filtration Media: Aerobic treatment chamber with media for biological filtration.

•Designed for easy maintenance with minimal energy consumption.

•Suitable for both residential and commercial applications.

Ecoflow by Orenco

ECOflow device utilizes a combination of physical and biological processes for wastewater treatment.

Initial Filtration: Wastewater enters the device and undergoes primary filtration to remove large debris and solids.

Biological Treatment: Microorganisms present in the device break down organic matter in the wastewater through biological processes.

Filtration media: Coconut husk fibers.

Aeration: Oxygen is introduced into the wastewater to support aerobic microbial activity, aiding in the decomposition of organic compounds.

Settling Tank: Treated wastewater then moves to a settling tank where remaining solids settle at the bottom.

Final Filtration: Treated water undergoes final filtration to remove any remaining impurities before being discharged or reused.

Optional Disinfection: In some models, there might be an additional step for disinfection using UV light or chemical agents to ensure water safety.

Effluent Discharge/Reuse: Treated water can be discharged into the environment or reused for non-potable purposes like irrigation, depending on local regulations and requirements.

Sloping Sand Filter Systems

•Natural filtration system using sand as the primary medium.

•Sloping design enhances gravity-driven flow through the sand bed.

•Filtration Media: Sand as the primary medium for physical and biological filtration.

•Effective in removing suspended solids and pathogens.

•Simple and low-maintenance solution for on-site sewage disposal.